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Will we get a android version?


Sorry, we will not be releasing the Android version in the near future.


Is the game censored or is it just the store page?


Censorship is only present on the store page.


請問是偶發現象還是必定發生? 目前我們團隊無法重現您所描述的狀況,如果有更詳細的操作流程會導致問題發生,請麻煩提供給我們。造成不便還請見諒,謝謝。

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i'm so confused about the game and do this game have h scenes? i dont see any since past 3hrs

As shown in the attached image, when you step into a grid displaying this icon, you can choose which sister's H scene from the team. If the grid indicated in the attached image does not appear in your game or nothing happens when you interact with it, please let us know.

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is it AI content? I'm talking about H-scenes


the character art definitely looks like ai art that was pixelated after

im trying to play the game (r18 version) but the map is invisible, and the cards are really strange, it appears to be greater than its normal


It caused by windows system language setting, it has been fixed in released version, but we forgot to update the demo version. Thanks for your reported! And we will fix it later!

Is this a IC game?

Sorry, I'm not sure what IC means, but the player play the brother(onichan) who goes on adventures with his younger sisters in the game.


he prob mean InCest.


so they blood related


Yes, we have blood related, adopted sisters and more.


game of the year


There's 21 MB of adult cotent in the demo.


Sadly, your description leaves out any mentions of what the adult content is, thus provoking my inquiry: Can I fuck them ?


We uploaded the adult version for demo, you can fuck them now!


I am very pleased.